Sisterhood Paid-Up Membership Dinner -
Monday, December 16, 2019, 6:30 PM
To pay Basic Sisterhood Membership ($40) click here.
To pay Goodwill Sisterhood Membership (includes dinner) ($75) click here.
To pay for Paid-up Sisterhood Membership dinner ($20) click here.
To pay for Basic Sisterhood Membership and dinner ($60) click here.
Shabbat Services and Minyan with Temple Sinai
We hope that you will join us in-person for our Friday evening and Shabbat morning services! If you are unable to come to the synagogue, you can also join us on Friday night via Zoom or on Shabbat morning courtesy of our livestream.
Saturday, September 14
Parashat Ki-Tetzei
Deuteronomy 23:8 - 24:13
Read this week’s Torah portion with commentaries by clicking here
Click Here For Yahrzeit List - 9/14/24
Shabbat Services and Minyan Times
Join our Temple Sinai community for a Shabbat service and/or daily minyan. Temple Sinai offers a daily morning minyan, led by our own congregants, followed by a light breakfast. We treasure each and every one of those who join us for minyan every morning and evening.
We hope to see you in person for morning minyan or Shabbat morning!
Monday-Friday Mornings: 8:00am (in-person or on Zoom)
Shabbat Mornings: 9:30am (in-person or streaming)
Sunday Mornings: 8:45am (on Zoom only)
Evening Minyan (Zoom only except for Friday evenings):
Sunday-Tuesday: 7:30pm
Wednesday & Thursday: 6:30pm
Friday: Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00pm (in-person or on Zoom)
For Zoom links, please visit our weekly Chailights email or our Main Calendar
Candle-lighting, weekly Torah portions and Havdalah times
Sanctuary guidelines during services
We are delighted you will be joining us for Shabbat or holiday services. In order to preserve the beauty and dignity of our services, and to respect those around you, please keep in mind the following:
Men and boys of all ages must wear kippot (skull caps) everywhere in the synagogue, not just in the sanctuary, as a sign of respect. For women, head coverings are optional except if on the bimah, at which time a head covering is required.
For girls and women, shoulders and midriffs should be covered. Skirts should not be any shorter than where your hand reaches down at your side.
Electronic devices (hand-held games, mp3 players, ipods, cell phones) are NOT permitted in synagogue during services. If possible, please leave them at home or in your car.
Cameras (including cell phone cameras) may NOT be used during services. This includes within the sanctuary and throughout the grounds and facility.
Applause during Shabbat or holiday services is not appropriate.
If candy is thrown for b’nai mitzvah or an aufruf, please do not eat it in the sanctuary.
There is no gum chewing in the sanctuary.
When the Ark is open, please stand. Do not enter or leave the sanctuary while anyone is speaking from the bimah, while the Torah is being read or when people are standing.
Please do not put feet on the seats.
We ask that you sit quietly during services and keep casual conversation to a minimum. There are several parts of the service where congregants expect to be able to pray without interruption, such as the Amidah as there is an an expectation of silence.
We are pleased to let you know that our sanctuary is fully handicap accessible complete with a lift that will bring those in need up to the Bimah for honors and celebrations.