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This year's High Holy Day season will include a combination of on-site and online experiences. While they certainly will be different in kind than what we have experienced in the past, we pledge, as a community, to pour every ounce of ingenuity and spirit into this moment, creating an interactive, inviting, and meaningful excursion into prayer, memory, and renewal.  

To view the Family Service on at 9:30am, October 5th,
please click the Zoom icon below.


Complete Guide & Resources: High Holy Days

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Temple Sinai's 5783 Annual Appeal

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Family Programs & Educational Resources


A Message From Our Clergy


Rosh Hashanah is almost here and we are excited to begin the new year with you either on-site or on-screen. We hope that a great many of you will be back in the synagogue for our High Holy Day services. This year, masking is optional and there is no need to show proof of vaccination.

For those who may be concerned about being indoors for services, we have scheduled the first night of Rosh Hashanah’s service in the tent outside the synagogue. The family services offered on both days of Rosh Hashanah and on Yom Kippur will also be held in the tent and will be led by Rabbi Hollander with participation from Cantor Saralee. Families with children of preschool age and younger will also be able to enjoy special offerings with Miss Lisa in the afternoon on Rosh Hashanah and in the morning on Yom Kippur. 

For teens and adults, a half-an-hour study break led by members of the congregation will be an additional feature on both days of Rosh Hashanah. And teens will also be meeting in the tent for special programming on all three days of the holidays, while Religious School age children will be engaged with age-appropriate activities.

We are making an effort to have as many people as possible sit in the sanctuary this year. It helps create a feeling of community when people fill the rows close to one another and close to the bimah. If you are accustomed to sitting further back, why not move up and see what it's like to experience the holidays from a new vantage point? You may be surprised by how much more engaged you’ll feel. And don’t worry, no one will mind if you need to get up and move around every now again, least of all the rabbis.


The Early Portion Of The Morning Service - The morning service typically begins with Birchot HaShachar (the morning blessings) and Pesukei D’Zimrah (the introductory psalms) prior to the formal start of Shacharit (the morning service) with Barchu. However, everything prior to Barchu can be recited by an individual without the presence of a minyan. As we have done the last two years, we will begin the service on all three mornings with Nishmat Kol Chai (p. 67)  just before Barchu. The earlier pieces of the service can be recited individually prior to 9:30am.

Shacharit Amidah - To preserve time, we will begin what would be the repetition of the Amidah together with Cantor Saralee and collectively recite the special piyyutim (liturgical poems). The remainder of the Amidah will not be chanted by Saralee aloud, but will instead be a time for individuals to recite the Amidah privately.

May this be a year of blessings, joy, fulfillment, good health and peace for our congregation and for our world. And whether you have joined us in the synagogue, under the tent or on-screen, we pray L’shanah Tovah Tikateivu - May you be inscribed for a good new year.

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